Office of the Provost - Vice Provost for Academic Innovation
The Vice Provost for Academic Innovation (VPAI) will play a pivotal role in coordinating and advancing academic strategies and activities across the university while building a robust, integrated academic innovation function across the university. This position is responsible for ensuring the academic quality of all programs across the university, including programs for credit and noncredit in all modalities; and promoting and supporting the integration of academic innovation practices across the entire institution. The VPAI will also advance the goals and values of Texas State by providing leadership for the following areas: curriculum and academic program development and approval, commencement, general education core curriculum, program accreditation and assessment, and institutional accreditation.

To Apply
The Search committee invites applications to be submitted directly to the Texas State Application for the position.
Applications should include a curriculum vitae and a letter of interest describing relevant experience and interest in the position.
Applications will be accepted until the position is filled; however they should be submitted as soon as possible to assure consideration.
Search Committee
Dr. John Fleming
Committee Chair
Dean, College of Fine Arts and Communication
Dr. David Donnelly
Professor, Physics
Ms. Judy Spurlock
Coordinator, Curriculum Services
Ms. Kristin McDaniel
Coordinator, Curriculum Services
Dr. Michael Supancic
Assistant Professor, School of Criminal Justice and Criminology
Dr. Toni Sol
Interim Vice Provost for Faculty Success, Office of the Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs