Associate Vice Provost's Biography
Dr. Matthew Brooks

Dr. Brooks received his bachelor’s in Biology from Kennesaw State University and was a Distinguished Military Graduate for Georgia Institute of Technology, an MPH in Biostatistics from Virginia Commonwealth University, and Ph.D. from University of South Carolina. He holds dual board certifications in public health and health administration. He is a Fellow in both the American College of Health Executives (ACHE) and the Commission on Accreditation for Healthcare Management Education (CAHME).
Dr. Brooks joined the School of Health Administration at Texas State University in 2010 as a tenure-track Associate Professor. In September 2014 he was appointed the School Director and in September 2017 he was promoted to Full Professor. In 2018 he was appointed the Associate Dean for the College of Health Professions. He joined the Provost’s office as the Assistant Provost on 1 March 2022. Prior to pursuing an academic career, Dr. Brooks spent 21 years on active duty in the Army as a Medical Service Corps Officer. Dr. Brooks’ military career was highlighted with assignments as Chief, Strategic Planning for Army Medical Command; Deputy Director, Army-Baylor MHA/MBA Program; and culminating as the Deputy Commander for the 14th Combat Support Hospital in Camp Bucca, Iraq in 2009. Dr. Brooks earned the Airborne, Air Assault and Expert Field Medical Badge’s during his military career.
Dr. Brooks has published over 30 peer-reviewed journal articles in 18 different journals. Dr. Brooks’ research interests are in the areas of veteran’s health and aging; military healthcare; life-course effects of military service; and generational differences. Dr. Brooks received the 2011 Faculty Excellence Award for Teaching for the College of Health Professions and the 2013 Presidential Distinction Award for Teaching. He was named an Alpha Chi Favorite Professor in 2013. In 2012 he was awarded the Faculty Excellence Award for Service for the College of Health Professions and the 2014 Presidential Distinction Award for Service. In 2009 he was recognized as the Researcher of the Year for the Army-Baylor Graduate Program in Health and Business Administration.