Academic Affairs: Roster of Councils, Committees, and Teams

General Statement

The Councils and Committees listed in the following pages have been constituted under long-standing administrative guidelines as summarized in the Faculty Handbook. Councils are, for the most part, continuing groups, while committee appointments will be made on a year-to-year basis.

Committee members, and especially committee chairs, are expected to familiarize themselves with the policies contained in UPPS No. 01.04.04, "Open Meetings of University Committees to Members of the Press and Public.

Committee Membership

Texas State University has adopted the usage of gender-neutral language that circumvents bias and prejudice towards a particular sex or social gender. As such, monikers such as Ms., Mr., and Dr. are no longer included on the University Roster when addressing faculty, staff, and students.

All appointments of committee, council, and team members should be assigned a T, if membership is determined by title or R, if membership representing an area/department/division. All changes to a particular committee/council/team must be directed to the Provost Office.

  • Academic Affairs Council 2024 - 2025

    • Pranesh Aswath, Provost, Executive Vice President, Academic Affairs, Chair (T)

      Mary Brennan, Dean, College of Liberal Arts (T)
      Angela Ausbrooks, Interim Dean, College of Applied Arts (T)
      John Fleming, Dean, College of Fine Arts and Communication (T)
      Heather Galloway, Dean, Honors College (T)
      Andrea Golato, Dean, The Graduate College (T)
      Barrett Bryant, Dean, College of Science and Engineering (T)
      Michael O'Malley, Dean, College of Education (T)
      Sanjay Ramchander, Dean, McCoy College of Business (T)
      Gary Ray, Associate Vice President, Enrollment Management (T)
      Vedaraman Sriraman, Senior Vice Provost, Academic Affairs (T)
      Gary Sayed, Dean, College of Health Professions (T)
      Beth Wuest, Associate Vice President, Institutional Effectiveness (T)

      Ex Officio:
      Lynn Ledbetter, Chair, Faculty Senate (T)
      Judy Oskam, Chair, Council of Chairs (T)
      Cynthia Hernandez, Vice President, Student Success (T)
      Shreekanth Mandayam, Vice President, Research (T)

    • Provides information, opinions, and advice to the Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs to facilitate decision-making.

  • Council of Chairs 2024 - 2025

    • Shetay Ashford-Hanserd, Chair, Organization, Workforce, and Leadership Studies, Chair (T)
      Jeffrey Bumgarner, Director, Criminal Justice and Criminology, Vice-Chair (T)
      Sarah Maines, Chair, Theatre & Dance, Secretary (T)
      Natalie Ceballos, Chair, Psychology, Past Chair (T)

      Mimi Pizzini, Chair, Accounting (T)
      Brenton J Ekren, Chair, Aerospace Studies (AFROTC) (T)
      Madan Dey, Chair, Agricultural Sciences (T)
      Christina Conlee, Chair, Anthropology (T)
      Beth Thomas, Director, Art and Design (T)
      Dittmar Hahn, Chair, Biology (T)
      Soumitra Basu, Chair, Chemistry and Biochemistry (T)
      Rodney Rohde, Program Chair, Clinical Laboratory Science (T)
      Farzan Irani, Chair, Communication Disorders (T)
      Marian Houser, Chair, Communication Studies (T)
      Hongchi Shi, Chair, Computer Science (T)
      Elizabeth Kjellstrand Hartwig, Chair, Counseling, Leadership, Adult Education, and School Psychology (T)
      Glenna Billingsley, Chair, Curriculum and Instruction (T)
      Jesus Jimenez, Director, Engineering (T)
      W. James Wilde, Chair, Engineering Technology (T)
      Victoria Smith, Chair, English (T)
      Amy Weimer, Director, Family and Consumer Sciences (T)
      Haiyong Liu, Chair, Finance and Economics (T)
      Yongmei Lu, Chair, Geography (T)
      Jennifer Jensen, Chair, Geography and Environmental Studies
      Cristian Lieneck, Director, Health Administration
      Ron Williams, Chair, Health and Human Performance (T)
      David Gibbs, Chair, Health Informatics & Information Management (T)
      Jeff Helgeson, Chair, History, (T)
      Sam Lee, Chair, Chair, Information Systems and Analytics (T)
      Judy Oskam, Director, Journalism and Mass Communications (T)
      Steven Rayburn, Interim Chair, Management (T)
      Anna Turri, Chair, Marketing (T)
      Susan Morey, Chair, Mathematics (T)
      LTC Christopher B Roberts, Chair, Military Science (T)
      Todd Sullivan, Director, School of Music (T)
      Craig Hanks, Chair, Philosophy (T)
      Janet Bezner, Chair, Physical Therapy
      Edwin Piner, Chair, Physics (T)
      Kenneth Grasso, Chair, Political Science (T)
      Megan Trad, Chair, Radiation Therapy (T)
      Gregg Marshall, Chair, Respiratory Care (T)
      Toni Watt, Chair, Sociology (T)
      Yasmine C Beale-Rosano-Rivaya, Chair, World Languages and Religions
      Rapheal Travis, Interim Chair, Social Work
      Theresa Garcia, Chair, St. David’s School of Nursing (T)
      Lynn Ledbetter, Chair, Faculty Senate (R)

    • Makes recommendations to the Academic Affairs Council, the Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs, and the President on all matters affecting academics at Texas State.

  • Faculty Development Advisory Committee 2024 - 2025

    • Candace Hastings, Director, Faculty Development, Chair (T)

      Janet Bezner, Professor, Health Professions (R)
      Phillip Davis, Associate Professor, McCoy College of Business (R)
      Elizabeth Erhart, Professor, Liberal Arts (R)
      Patti Giuffre, Assistant Dean, The Graduate College (R)
      Ron Haas, Program Faculty, Honors College (R)
      Jodi Holschuh, Professor, Education (R)
      Joey Martin, Professor, Fine Arts and Communication (R)
      Amy Weimer, Professor, Applied Arts (R)
      Paula Williamson, Professor, Science and Engineering (R)

      Ex Officio:
      Scott Bowman, Special Assistant to Provost, Associate Professor, Applied Arts (T)

    • The Faculty Development Advisory Committee consists of representatives from each college and is advisory to the Senior Vice Provost. The committee assists in identifying and prioritizing faculty development programs, promoting initiatives that enhance excellence and opportunities for faculty, and addressing other issues related to the career development of faculty in the areas of teaching, research, and scholarship, and service.

  • Faculty Qualifications Advisory Committee 2024 - 2025

    • Matt Brooks, Assistant Provost, Chair (R)

      Kambra Bolch, Assistant Vice Provost, Academic Success (R)
      Joey Martin, Associate Dean, College of Fine Arts and Communication (R)
      Andrea Golato, Dean, The Graduate College (R)
      William Kelemen, Professor, Liberal Arts (R)
      Duane Knudson, Professor, Education (R)
      Scott Kruse, Professor, Health Professions (R)
      Bob Vasquez, Associate Professor, Applied Arts (R)
      Alex White, Professor, Science and Engineering (R)
      David Wierschem, Associate Professor, McCoy College of Business (R)

      Ex Officio:
      Michael Baker, Business Process Analyst, Customer Engagement
      Whitten Smart, Special Assistant to the VPIT, Information Technology

    • Advises on the university's Faculty Qualification System, including standards, usage, and recommendations for improvement.

  • General Education Council 2024 - 2025

    • Jeff Housman, Assistant Vice President, Curriculum and Academic Programs, Chair

      Amy Weimer, Director and Professor, Family & Consumer Sciences (2027) (T)
      Lea Velez, Professor of Instruction, Social Work (2027) (R)

      Jaymeen Shah, Professor, Computer Information Systems and Quantitative Methods (2026) (R)
      Andrew Ojede, Associate Professor, Finance and Economics (2027) (R)

      Paul Mencke, Associate Professor, Curriculum and Instruction (2027) (R)
      Michelle Hamilton, Professor, Health and Human Performance (2027) (R)

      Erina Duganne, Professor, Art and Design (2026) (R)
      Rebekah Fox, Professor, Communication Studies 2027) (R)

      Monica Hughes, Professor, St. David's School of Nursing (2027) (R)
      Danette Myers, Professor, Health Information Management (2026) (R)

      Peter Tschirhart, Senior Lecturer, Honors College (2024) (R)

      Ron Brown, Professor, History (2026) (R)
      Heather Smith, Associate Professor, Anthropology (2027) (R)

      Douglas Morrish, Agriculture Education (2027) (R)
      Duke Willoughby, Chemistry and Biochemistry (2027) (R)

      Craig Hanks, Chair and Professor, Philosophy (2026) (T)
      Amy Weimer, Director and Professor, Family & Consumer Sciences (2027) (T)

      Ex Officio:
      Michael Supancic, University Curriculum Committee Chair and Assistant Professor, Applied Arts (T)

      Student Members: 
      Elizabeth McNamara
      Cadi Powers

    • Provides a mechanism for ongoing discussion about the content and policies for this university-wide body of instruction and how to help Texas State students achieve the intellectual skills and knowledge that will prepare them for private, public, and professional lives.  Considers major (substantive) curriculum and/or policy recommendations, e.g., changes of the structure or redefining the primary components with the essential skills, disciplinary perspectives, integrative courses, and other General Education requirements as defined in the catalog.  Also considers minor (non-substantive) recommendations, e.g., specific courses within the general areas outlined previously. Advises the Associate Vice President for Academic Success on all these matters.

  • Graduate Council 2024 - 2025

    • Andrea Golato, Dean, The Graduate College, Chair (T)

      Taylor Acee, Professor, Curriculum and Instruction (R)
      Lisa Baumgartner, Professor, Counseling, Leadership, Adult Education, and School Psychology (R)
      Yao-Yu Chih, Associate Professor, Finance and Economics (2023-2026) (R)
      Stacey Cropley, Clinical Assistant Professor, St. David's School of Nursing (2023-2026) (R)
      Anthony Cross, Assistant Professor, Philosophy (2023-2026) (R)
      Agustin Cuadrado, Professor, World Languages and Literatures (2023-2026) (R)
      Sara Damiano, Assistant Professor, History (2025-2028) (R)
      Stephen Deringer, Assistant Professor, Health and Human Performance (2023-2026) (R)
      David Dietrich, Associate Professor, Sociology (2025-2028) (R)
      Ravindranath Droopad, Professor, Ingram School of Engineering (2022-2024) (R)
      Ronald Hagelman III, Professor, Geography and Environmental Studies (R)
      Paul Hart, Professor, International Studies (2022-2025) (R)
      Vanessa Higgins Joyce, Associate Professor, Mass Communications (2023-2026)
      Paul Jantz, Professor, Counseling, Leadership, Adult Education, and School Psychology (2023-2026) (R)
      Chang Ji, Associate Professor, Chemistry and Biochemistry (2021-2024) (R)
      Shayne Jones, Professor, Criminal Justice and Criminology (R)
      Sean Kerwin, Professor, Materials Science, Engineering and Commercialization (R)
      Kim Lee, Associate Professor of Practice, Health Administration (2024 - 2027) (R)
      Soon-Jae Lee, Professor, Engineering Technology (2023-2026) (R)
      David Lemke, Professor, Biology (2021-2024) (R)
      Kasey Martin, Associate Professor, Accounting (2023-2026) (R)
      Jason Martina, Assistant Professor, Biology (R)
      Ana Martinez, Associate Professor, Theatre and Dance (2022-2025) (R)
      Melissa Martinez, Professor, Counseling, Leadership, Adult Education, and School Psychology (R)
      Yoichi Miyahara, Assistant Professor, Physics (2022-2025) (R)
      Anne Hee-Hiong Ngu, Professor, Computer Science (R)
      Suzanna Okere, Clinical Associate Professor, Physical Therapy (R)
      Pratheesh Omana Sudhakaran, Associate Professor, Agricultural Sciences (2025-2028)
      Greg Passty, Professor, Mathematics (2022-2025) (R)
      Wuxu Peng, Professor, Computer Science (2023-2026) (R)
      Indu Ramachandran, Associate Professor, Management (2023-2025) (R)
      Zo Ramamonjiarivelo, Associate Professor, Health Administration (2021-2024) (R)
      Nandhini Rangarajan, Associate Professor, Political Science (2022-2025) (R)
      James Reeves, Associate Professor, English (2023-2026) (R)
      Diego Vacaflores Rivero, Professor, Finance and Economics (2021-2024) (R)
      Sean Roche, Associate Professor, Criminal Justice and Criminology (2023-2026) (R)
      Chris Russian, Professor, Respiratory Care (2023-2026) (R)
      Ramona Salcedo, Associate Professor, Family and Consumer Sciences (2023-2026) (R) 
      Nico Schüler, Professor, Music (2023-2026)
      Amy Louise Schwarz, Associate Professor, Communication Disorders (2023-2026) (R)
      Jaymeen Shah, Professor, Information Systems and Analytics (2022-2025) (R)
      Molly Sherman, Associate Professor, Art and Design (2023-2026) (R)
      Shailen Singh, Assistant Professor, Organization, Workforce, and Leadership Studies (2022-2025) (R)
      Heather Smith, Associate Professor, Anthropology (2023-2026) (R)
      Stacey Cropley, Clinical Assistant Professor, St. David's School of Nursing (2023 - 2026) (R)
      Kenneth Scott Smith, Professor, Social Work (2023-2026) (R)
      Sharon Strickland, Professor, Mathematics (R)
      Nicole Taylor, Associate Professor, Anthropology (R)
      Lindsay Timmerman, Associate Professor, Communication Studies (2022-2025) (R)
      Susan Waite, Assistant Professor, Curriculum and Instruction (2025-2028) (R)
      Tiankai Wang, Professor, Health Information Management (2025-2028) (R)
      Katherine Warnell, Associate Professor, Psychology (2022-2025) (R)
      Gail Zank, Professor, Marketing (2023-2026) (R)

      The Graduate Council also has two master's students and one doctoral student serving on the committee. The appointments rotate on a semester-by-semester basis among programs.

      Ex Officio:
      Pranesh Aswath, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs (T)
      Kelly Damphousse, President, Texas State University (T)
      Martha Fraire-Cuellar, University Registrar, University Registrar (T)
      Cynthia Justice, Assistant Vice President, Student Success (T)

    • Recommends Graduate College policies to the Dean of The Graduate College, who in turn administers the policies or submits recommendations to the Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs and the President's Cabinet.  The Graduate Council also reviews standards for admissions, retention, and enrollment patterns, in concurrence with the Dean.  The Graduate Council also approves membership standards for graduate faculty.

  • Honor Code Council 2024 - 2025

    • Cristian Lieneck, Associate Professor, Health Professions, Chair (R)
      Rachel Davenport, Senior Lecturer, Science and Engineering, Vice Chair (R)

      Ashley Arnio, Associate Professor, Applied Arts (R) 
      Deborah Balzhiser, Associate Professor, Liberal Arts (R) 
      Joel Bergh, Senior Lecturer, Science and Engineering (R)
      Sandra Duke, Senior Lecturer, Applied Arts (R) 
      Cynthia Gonzales, Associate Professor, Fine Arts (R) 
      Lloyd Greene, Senior Lecturer, Health Professions (R)
      Jennifer Krou, Senior Lecturer, McCoy College of Business (R) 
      Russell Lang, Professor, Education (R)
      Debarun Majumdar, Professor, Liberal Arts (R) 
      Jessica Pliley, Associate Professor, Liberal Arts
      Dan Schumacher, Senior Lecturer, Fine Arts and Communication (R)
      Leslie Anne Shroyer, Senior Lecturer, Science and Engineering (R)
      Amanda Walker, Senior Lecturer, Science and Engineering (R)
      Renee Wendel, Senior Lecturer, Health Professions (R)
      Gail Zank, Professor, McCoy College of Business (R)
      Alexis Chambers, Lecturer, Education 

      Student Members:
      Kiersten Florence
      Haylie Hattermann
      Ryan Kerr
      Taylor McKinion
      Emma Perkins
      Nicole Vanhny Saysanasongkham
      Travion Sells
      Valerie Wosnig
      Diego Hurtado
      Alex Sawyers 
      Donavan Brown 
      Baleigh Stephens 
      Aisha Shoniwa 
      Mike Grubbs 
      Ethan Perez 
      Asher Martinek 
      Alazne Leon 

    • The Honor Code Council is comprised of trained faculty and student members who hear cases of alleged academic dishonesty.  The Honor Code Council will consider evidence offered by both the faculty member and the student through a hearing.  It will then render its recommendation to the dean of the college where the alleged Honor Code violation occurred.  In some instances, cases may be referred to the Dean of Students Office for further disciplinary review.  Faculty Senate appoints faculty members as needed, and Student Government appoints student members as needed.

  • Learning Management System Steering Committee 2024 - 2025

    • Kevin Huffaker, Director, Customer Engagement IT Assistance Center, Co-Chair (T)
      David Wierschem, Associate Dean and Associate Professor, McCoy College of Business, Co-Chair (R)

      Ryan Roark, Assistant Vice President, Online & Extended Programs, TXST Global (R)
      Eryn Berger, Director, Online & Extended Programs, TXST Global (R)
      Douglas Holschuh, Professor of Instruction, Curriculum and Instruction; Representative for the Online and Extended Programs Steering Committee (R)
      Andrea Golato, Dean, The Graduate College (R)
      Joel Gray, Senior Lecturer, Science and Engineering (R)
      Ron Hagelman III, Associate Professor, Liberal Arts (R)
      Barbara Hewitt,  Associate Professor, Health Professions (R)
      Rae Beth Holt, Canvas Product Manager, IT Assistance Center (T)
      Michael Weissmiller, Director, Client Solutions IT Assistance Center (T)
      Andrea Alvarado, Assistant Director, Client Solutions IT Assistance Center (T)
      Paul Jantz, Associate Professor, Education (R)
      Lidia Nuno, Associate Professor, School of Criminal Justice and Criminology, Applied Arts (R)
      Henna Punjabi,  Coord, Digital Literacy Program, University Libraries (T)
      Eric Timmerman, Professor, Fine Arts and Communication (R)
      Peter Tschirhart,  Associate Dean, Honors College (R)

      Ex Officio:
      Whitten Smart, Special Assistant to the VPIT, Information Technology (T)

    • Advises on the university's Learning Management System, including standards, governance, usage, and recommendations for improvement.

  • Open Education Committee 2024 - 2025

    • Kelly Visnak, Vice Provost and University Librarian, Chair (R)

      Clifford Witworth, Lecturer, Organization, Workforce, and Leadership Studies (R)
      Ellen Tillman, Associate Professor, History (R)
      Matthew Hudson, Assistant Professor of Instruction, English (R)
      Denae Dyck, Assistant Professor, English (R)
      William Kaufhold, Associate Professor, Journalism and Mass Communications (R)
      Megan Trad, Chair, Radiation Therapy Program (R)
      Lauren Brentnell, Assistant Professor of Instruction, English (R)
      Josh Daspit, Associate Professor, Management (R)
      Carrie Boden, Professor, Organization, Workforce, and Leadership Studies (R)
      Ryan Roark, Assistant Vice-President, Online and Extended Programs (R)
      Eryn Berger, Director, Online and Extended Programs (R)
      William Kelemen, Professor, Psychology (R)
      Crystal Brewer, Clinical Assistant Professor, Nursing (R)
      Shane Lowe, Professor of Instruction, Mathematics (R)
      Connor Wilson, Assistant Professor of Instruction, English (R)
      Mark Hernandez, Assistant Professor of Instruction, English (R)
      Omar Lopez, Professor, Organization, Workforce, and Leadership Studies (R)
      Trace Etienne, Senior Lecturer, History (R)
      Diane Dolezel, Associate Professor, Health Informatics and Information Management (R)
      David Gibbs, Chair, Health Informatics and Information Management (R)
      Amy Schwarz, Associate Professor, Communication Disorders (R)
      Yasmine Beale-Rosane-Rivaya, Chair, World Languages and Literatures (R)
      Virginia Tufano, Assistant Professor, Nursing (R)
      Amber Lupo, Associate Professor of Instruction, Psychology (R)
      Cynthia Gonzales, Regents’ Professor, Music (R)
      Sunethra Dharmasiri, Professor of Instruction, Biology (R)
      Kenneth Tapp, Lecturer, Geography and Environmental Studies (R)
      Lenora Valdez, Clinical Assistant Professor, Nursing (R)
      Isabelle Antes, Librarian, University Libraries (R)
      Tricia Boucher, Librarian, University Libraries (R)
      Victoria Black, Assistant Vice President and Director, Academic Engagement, Student Success (R)
      Shannon Duffy, Professor of Instruction, History (R)
      Maria Illescas Glascock, Professor of Instruction, Curriculum and Instruction (R)

      Graduate Student Members:
      Alexander Tawiah, Master’s student in Mass Communication (R)
      Elektra Jordan, Master’s student in Philosophy (R)

    • The Open Education Committee educates, advocates, and supports the development of open education at Texas State University. This is accomplished through subcommittee work, intentional partnerships, and targeted outreach.

  • Presidential Work Life Advisory Council 2024 - 2025

    • Roseann Mandziuk, University Distinguished Professor, Communication Studies, Chair (R)

      Yasmine Beale-Rosano-Rivaya, Professor, World Languages and Literatures (T)
      Nabila Cook, Senior Administrative Assistant, Liberal Arts (R)
      Kimberlee Davis, Associate Professor, Family and Consumer Sciences (T)
      Kimberley Dunbar, Administrative Assistant II, Theater and Dance (R)
      Judy Herington, Administrative Assistant III, Curriculum and Instruction (T)
      Janet Hodges, Associate Professor, Health and Human Performance (T)
      Jennifer Irvin, Associate Professor, Chemistry and Biochemistry (T)
      Erin Kehr, Lecturer, Theatre and Dance (T)
      Vincent Luizzi, Professor, Philosophy and Faculty Ombudsman (T)
      Bonita Reeder, Director, Counseling Center (T)
      Alexis Stokes, Associate Professor, Finance and Economics (T)
      Rose Trevino, Work Life Coordinator, Human Resources (T)
      Amy Wong, Coordinator, Round Rock Campus (T)

    • The Presidential Work Life Advisory Council reviews current Work Life programs and policies; Evaluates the current needs and assesses Texas State’s policies in light of best practices; makes recommendations for future Work-Life programs/policies at Texas State; Reports to Provost.

  • Radiation and Laser Safety Committee 2024 - 2025

    • Juan Gomez, Scientific Instrument Technician, Physics, Chair (T)
      Casey Smith, Manager, Shared Research Operations, Vice-Chair (T) 

      Dan Alden, Director, Procurement and Strategic Sourcing (T)
      James Frye, Fire Marshall, Environmental, Health, Safety, Risk and Emergency Management (T)
      Frank Gonzalez, Director, Materials Management and Logistics (T)
      Benjamin Martin, Associate Professor, Chemistry and Biochemistry (R)
      Wendy McCoy, Director, Environmental, Health, Safety, Risk and Emergency Management (T)
      Weston Nowlin, Professor, Biology (R)
      Jessica Smith, Clinical Assistant Professor, Radiation Therapy Program (R)
      Chad Thomas, Supervisor, Environmental, Health, Safety, Risk and Emergency Management (T) 
      Nicola Fairbairn, Scientific Instrument Technician, Shared Research Operations (R)
      John Farrell, Assistant Professor, Health and Human Performance (R)
      Ariful Haque, Program Faculty, Ingram School of Engineering (R)
      Bryant Fraizer, Physician, University Health Services (T)

    • Recommends to the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs procedures regulating the purchase, use, storage, and disposal of radioactive materials and X-ray generating equipment, and the purchase and use of laser equipment.  Coordinates licensing of users of radioactive materials and X-ray generating equipment and ensure that this institution complies with applicable radiation safety laws.

  • Teacher Education Council 2024 - 2025

    • Michael O'Malley, Dean, College of Education, Chair (T)
      Maneka Brooks, Associate Dean, Academic Affairs and Educator Preparation and Associate Professor, Education, Vice-Chair (T)

      Jennifer Ahrens, Associate Professor, Health and Human Performance (R)Ryan Anderson, Assistant Professor, Agriculture (R)
      Gwynne Ash, Professor, Curriculum and Instruction (R)
      Glynda Betros, Senior Lecturer, Mathematics (R)
      Glenna Billingsley, Chair and Associate Professor, Curriculum and Instruction (T)
      Leticia Botello, Program Faculty, Office of Educator Preparation (T)
      Karl Boysen, Director, Academic Advising Center, College of Fine Arts and Communication (R)
      Kaysie Seitz Brown, Associate Professor, Dance (R)
      Hunter Close, Associate Professor, Physics (R)
      Alyson Collins, Associate Professor, Curriculum and Instruction (R) 
      John Denis, Assistant Professor, Music (R)
      Sandra Duke, Senior Lecturer, Family and Consumer Sciences (R)
      Trace Etienne, Program Faculty, History (R)
      Shelly Forsythe, Associate Chair and Associate Professor, Curriculum and Instruction (T)
      Injeong Jo, Associate Professor, Geography (R)
      Tim Kinard, Associate Professor, Curriculum and Instruction (R)
      Jessica Robinson, Lecturer, Curriculum and Instruction (R)
      Joya Konieczny, Director, Academic Advising Center, College of Education (R)
      Lindy Kosmitis, Lecturer, Liberal Arts (R)
      Luz Maldonado Rodriguez, Associate Professor, Curriculum and Instruction (R)
      Sherri Mora, Senior Lecturer, Political Science (R)
      Adetty Pérez de Miles, Associate Professor, Art and Design (R)
      Charise Pimentel, Professor, Curriculum and Instruction (R)
      Jen Porterfield, Senior Lecturer, Curriculum and Instruction (R)
      Patricia Rocha, Director of Educator Preparation, Office of Educator Preparation (T)
      Vlasta Silhavy, Senior Lecturer, Theatre (R)
      Ewa Siwak, Senior Lecturer, World Languages & Literatures (R)
      Deirdre Williams, Director of Teacher Residency, Curriculum and Instruction (R)
      Ron Williams, Chair and Professor, Health and Human Performance (T)

    • Serves as a forum for discussion of teacher education matters on the campus and as an advisory internal body to the Dean of Education and the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs for various issues related to teacher education.